Believe & Achieve is an accredited AIM Awards Level 1 qualification in Motivation. The aim of the course is to reach out to vulnerable young people aged between 16 and 25 that may have struggled in the past to engage in opportunities or other services.
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Over 2 days, we will explore the highs and lows of taking on a tenancy, whether you’re planning to move or are already in your own accommodation.
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This two-day training workshop is an introduction to understanding personal emotional resilience: including working out what you want to achieve, identifying what stands in your way and setting realistic, achievable goals.
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BYH have been working in secondary schools in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire for many years. We raise awareness about homelessness, talk about what help is available and aim to prevent future homelessness.
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This 2 day course is an opportunity for you to identify your own skills, qualities and strengths and how they transfer to the world of work and further education. You'll have the chance to look at the skills you'd like to build on and plan your next steps.
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Broxtowe Youth Homelessness are looking for volunteers to join their Management Committee.
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30/11/17 - On Thursday 30th November between 12-4pm we will be holding an afternoon of festive activities!
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23/11/17 - BYH are running a focus group to have a chat about BYH services and anything we can do to improve, but also it would be nice to know what we do well too!
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October 2017 Albany Infants School have been collecting food on the run up to their Harvest Festival, which they have donated to Broxtowe Youth Homelessness.
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October 2017 Foundation Derbyshire have confirmed that the Jefford Weller Fund have agreed to fund Home Street Home sessions in Erewash.
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October 2017 The first food donation was collected from Nationwide, Beeston branch this month.
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September 2017  Broxtowe Youth Homelessness are excited to announce that their application to The Wesleyan Foundation for funding has been successful.
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