August 2020
As of Monday 3rd August the BYH Living Room drop in service is reopening, following strict guidelines.
It will be on an emergency appointment only basis, running on a Monday and a Thursday at the Stapleford office.
Please continue to call us for initial advice and then we can decide if an emergency appointment is needed.
We look forward to seeing you all in good time and hope everyone is staying safe and well.
Covid 19 Guidelines
- Attendance is by pre-booked appointment only.
- You will be required to complete a COVID 19 pre-screening questionnaire when booking an appointment and on arrival.
- To protect you and our staff team we are only allowing 2 people in the drop in at a time, this will be 1 service user, assisted by a support worker or family member, if necessary.
- On arrival please wait outside until a member of staff calls you in for your appointment.
- Wash your hands or use the hand sanitiser gel located on the wall, to your right, as you enter the drop-in.
- Every visitor must sign in, leaving your contact details (this information will only be held for 21 days for Track & Trace purposes).
- Maintain a safe distance between yourself and staff members.
- Please take not of the safety signs located around the centre.
- Put used pens in the used pen box on leaving.